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Sculptor Timothy Schmalz: “Yes, the whole form of the sculpture centers around the baby”

31. Mai 2023 in English, keine Lesermeinung
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Famous artist on his prolife Madonna: “Any people put roses in the womb, so much so that every day they have to be taken out so you can see the baby”. kath.net interview by Petra Lorleberg

Ontario (kath.net/pl) “I see it as the shiny wonder of the world that hold new human life.” Mary, the Mother of God, being visibly pregnant with her baby boy Jesus. This pro life Madonna made of bronze was formed by the Catholic Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz (Link).

kath.net readers already know this remarkable artist. We reported several times on his impressing sculpture “Homeless Jesus” (Link). Schmalz produced are some other important Christian sculptures, like Padre Pio hearing confessions or impressions from Dante´s Inferno. Very famous is also his sculpture “Angels Unawares” at St. Peter´s Square depicting 140 migrants, for example a Jewish man escaping Nazi Germany and a Syrian refugee fleeing the civil war.

kath.net: Mr Schmalz, I remember some extraordinary reactions on you statue “Homeless Jesus” installed in public places, like bringing flowers and even meals and clothes to the statue or calling the police. Are there some extraordinary reactions on your prolife Madonna, too?

Timothy Schmalz: Already the sculpture was on display in Florida and Texas and many people put roses in the womb, so much so that every day they have to be taken out so you can see the baby.

kath.net: Mary´s face shows a lot of beauty and peace – but I am also thinking to Mary´s “Seven Swords”. Which thoughts and moods of the Mother of God did you reflect while sculpturing her face?

Schmalz: I just wanted to create her as beautiful and loving as possible.

kath.net: Mary´s baby boy is completely developed but still tiny. Does this child symbolize that children are human since their very beginning? Do all unborn children need to be protected, like Mary protects her baby Jesus?

Schmalz: Yes, the whole form of the sculpture centers around the baby. New human life, as a society we usually put this out of our minds as we pursue worldly things. Pope Francis urges us to have babies and not pets. There is going to be a big collapse of our society if only the poor of the world procreate, here in Canada and America there is a labour shortage, if we did not import our people we would really be in trouble, something is deeply wrong with our society. I believe it is because we are not have enough children.

kath.net: The child has a steal halo. I myself associate with this steal also a steal bowl and the danger of abortion… What do you want us to see and think, when we look at this baby in the womb?

Schmalz: Yes, someone else mentioned that double meaning of the work. I like it that it is open to two interpretations. The halo or the medical instrument that is involved in abortions. I see it as the shiny wonder of the world that hold new human life.

kath.net: Mr Schmalz, why are you pro life?

Schmalz: All life has to be sacred, no matter how young or old. It is just pure reason that a fetus is a human, some want to change this and soon they will also want to eliminate the senile people that have lost their memory. Any excuse your bent reason they can adopt, they will to the tragic end that humanity is valued less.

Foto: "Advent" (c) Timothy Schmalz

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